Yesterday was an amazing day! As most of your know we have been raising money to install a Celestron 14" EdgeHD telescope with a brand new Skywatcher EQ8R Pro Mount into the observatory. Yesterday, we did it!

I just want to thank everyone who contributed to this effort! Without even one contribution, this would not have been possible. First, thank you to our membership who donated generously to help us with extra-budgetary funds for this project. Secondly, we would not have had a project like this without the donation of the telescope by Furman University and spearheaded by David Moffett. Also, one of our club members purchased our prior observatory telescope, the Meade 14". Finally, I want to thank Sam Horton and Allen Hill for helping with the installation yesterday!
All of these contributions were necessary for our club to make this investment in the future, and I personally, and more importantly the board as a whole thank you for your contribution!
David Quattlebaum