Club Members
Summer is here and so is our unpredictable weather. The star party portion of our recent picnic at Musgrove Mill State Historic Site was cancelled. However, the picnic portion with Bucky’s BBQ did take place. If you haven’t done so check out the pictures on our website. Thanks to all who helped make this event happen!
We do have some great news! The Furman Observatory is reopening. Our July 10th Star Party will be held at the Furman site. Additionally, the Roper Mountain Science Center is reopening. Our July 15th Club meeting will be in person at the Science Center in the conference room, at 7:30pm. We intend to broadcast this meeting via Zoom as well! July’s topic is practical astronomy. Based on our club survey there was a request for more hands on observational topics. This is the first meeting of this topic and we hope to have more in the near future. Randy Cockrill will demonstrate “Electrically Assisted Astronomy”. Josh Palmer will cover “Satellite Observing and Photography”. Ed Overstreet will discuss “Permanent Outdoor Telescopes With Wireless Remote Access”. We had a successful rehearsal broadcasting on Zoom from the science center this last week.
Josh Palmer has created a Private Discord Server for our club. Discord is a free platform that allows communities and special interest groups to come together to chat and hold video meetings. Check it out on our website under the Forums tab.
The October Club Meeting will feature Executive Committee Board elections. There are seven Board positions. All positions are open for election. Any club member can nominate someone for a position. You can also nominate yourself for a position. The seven positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three each Board Members at Large. If you are interested in serving in anyone of these positions please contact me. It is highly suggested that you attend a board meeting prior to nominating yourself. Board meetings are all done via Zoom the second Thursday of each month.
See you soon!
Bill Michaud
Roper Mountain Astronomers Club