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Roper Mountain Astronomers

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  • Hooray! We can have star parties at the HWY 11 Observatory again.

Hooray! We can have star parties at the HWY 11 Observatory again.

May 21, 2021 8:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We just received some great news.  Furman is allowing visitors on campus and that allows us to get back  to our dark site at the Observatory on Hwy 11. We will have access to the air conditioned building just in time for our sweltering summer nights.  It will also  be great to have rest rooms again. 

Anyone inside the buildings will  have to wear masks per the University rules and unvaccinated people should wear them outdoors as it can be crowded at this site.

We have already scheduled the June Star Party and Picnic for Musgrove Mills Memorial Park, but the following dates will be at our home site.  

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