Title: The Latest Gravitational Wave Events
Abstract: Jonathan Zrake will discuss the latest developments in gravitational wave astronomy: measuring the space-time ripples from binary black holes.
Speaker: Jonathan Zrake
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Jonathan received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics and Astronomy from New York University (2007 — 2013) . He was a Post Doctoral Scholar at Stanford University from 2013-17 and Columbia University from 2017 to 2020 when he joined Clemson University.
His group at Clemson works on topics in high energy and multi-messenger astrophysics, using high-performance, state-of-the-art computing. Jonathans interests include binary neutron star mergers, gamma-ray bursts, pulsar wind nebulae, AGN jets, binary black hole accretion, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection.