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Roper Mountain Astronomers

Josh Palmer

About the Photographer:  Josh has been a member of the RMA since 2015, after moving to rural Greenville County.  He specializes in high speed Solar System photography, including Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, ISS, and the Moon. These images were created with different telescopes, including a Celestron C9.25 and C11, and Orion SkyQuest XX16g. His favorite cameras are the PlayerOne Uranus-C, ZWO ASI174MM, and ASI290MM. (Some Lunar and Deep Sky photos were captured with a Sony A7 and A57 cameras.) He's happy to assist others learn more about the process of high speed imaging. You can find more of his photos on the Alt+Azimuth Photography Facebook page, the RMA Discord, or you can also meet him at a club event.  
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Shot with ZWO ASI224MC, X-Cel 2X Barlow, ZWO ADC, and NexStar Evolution 9.25.
Stacked and processed with Autostakkert, Registax, and Photoshop Elements. Derotated with WinJUPOS.
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